Launching into
Computer Science

In this course I was introduced to how computers work. It is fascinating to know that computers only understand basic arithmetic operations...
Object-Oriented Information Systems

In this course I was introduced to Object-Oriented programming methodology...
Secure Software Development

Secure software development is a basic need nowadays due to the increasing number of
cybersecurity attacks that parallel the shift toward digital technologies (Brooks, 2022)...
Network Security

The world has been experiencing a rapid digital transformation of processes,
services, and even complete business models, and an increase in the demand for reliable data storage, processing,
and retrieval (Wei et al., 2019; El-Seoud et al., 2017)...
Information Security Management

The outcomes of routine or repetitive tasks tend to approximate certainty; in other
words, they have a single outcome or possibility...
Research Methods & Professional Practice

It can be agreed upon that human beings are curious in nature, willing to explain
encountered phenomena, and love to explore...
Software Engineering Project Management

In this course I was introduced to Project Management...
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