First Refined System Design
Supermarket - Class Diagram

A good selection of classes that are drawn from the scenario. They are appropriate for the proposed system. The relationships are well thought out and contain appropriate use of multiplicities. The majority are named appropriately, but this could be reviewed to check that everything is entirely clear. The states and behaviors are appropriate for the system and show a good amount of thought and understanding. Inheritance and composition have been used appropriately and show a good understanding of the concept. The presentation adheres to the standards well, however, it is a little difficult to read at times. Try to consider how you convey readability to the user - it might be you sacrifice some detail for the sake of making it easy to understand.
This application is for doctors surgery/clinic. It provides a user-friendly command-line
interface for registering patients, doctors and nurses. Also, it provides the ability to
generate appointment schedules for doctors and nurses, reserve / cancel appointments for
patients, write consultations and issue prescriptions. Object-Oriented programming methodology
was used for this application according to a pre-established design as shown in the class
diagram below. This programming methodology enables the representation of real-life
objects/people. For example, patients, doctors and nurses were represented by a class for each;
a Patient class for patients, A Doctor class for Doctors and a Nurse class for Nurses. Another
important aspect is the need for adequate testing. Python Unit testing was used to test the most
important functions like registering patients, saving data to and importing data from csv files,
and finding next available appointment. In addition, dummy data was provided for user-testing
most of which were generated using DumbData website.
The code is generally well-written but it is a little verbose at times, and could easily have been simplified. I think that it would be worth looking at how you can refactor things. A good sample of unit tests that offer a good level of code coverage The code is overly complicated in places and would benefit from refactoring. I would also suggest it is worth using comments to capture what you were thinking when you wrote the code rather than re-explaining what it does.
Project GitHub repositoryThis self training exercise was not required by the module, but I found it a nice opportunity to apply what I have learned about SQL and basic web development using flask. The idea of this little project is to answer the advanced SQL exercise questions in an interactive manner by using an input field to write, or copy and paste SQL statements to query the database directly and view the results in a table format.
Project GitHub repository